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List of products by brand Jolly Colombani
Colombani began its industrial activity in 1924 in Portomaggiore, in the province of Ferrara, on the initiative of Comm. Giulio Colombani, coinciding with the first processes of industrialization of agricultural Italy. Comm. Giulio Colombani was the example of the new entrepreneurial class that was developing in those years in Italy, deeply linked to his territory and to the possibility of transforming the products that the land could offer. The value of Giulio Colombani's experience, together with his innovative drive, has brought well-being and benefits to the community of Portomaggiore. The company, founded as an artisan workshop for the production of peeled tomatoes to be exported to the United Kingdom, gradually moved towards the production of jams due to the imposition of the controlled exchange rate regime (1926). This activity reached its peak around the 1940s when the annual consumption of jam and marmalades in Italy exceeded one million quintals. Thanks to the help of his father and some collaborators he began the production of original and innovative products for the period, such as for example. Uvadòr (mixed fruit jam). It was precisely in the 1930s that the company took on a formidable momentum and the brands and products were countless: Cotognata, Marmellata Romagnola, Lampo vegetable minestrone and, a few years later, Sunkist. The production activity, which was interrupted towards the end of the war due to the almost total destruction of the Portomaggiore factory, resumed in 1946 and extended to the production of fruit in syrup.